It's still crazy spring weather here in the South Waikato, rain,sun, hail and alot of wind.
My pink & blue bells are a lovely show under my Feijoa trees.
My vege garden is coming along nicely thanks to the plastic tunnels I've been using, the mini micro climates have let the broccoli, red cabbage, lettuce & mesclun salad be protected from all the bad weather we had had for months. I am going to be brave this week and start to sow my outdoor crops of runner beans, potato's, Sweet corn, Peas, Squash and Kamo kamo.
I planted beetroot, red onions, radish, zucchini & cucumbers a couple of days ago under cover.
My garden in the early stages. |
I am also very happy to let you know that I was voted 14th at the Beginners Quilt-along @, and have won an awesome Simplicity 6" x 24" Quilting ruler which I'm totally stoked about because I don't have one a 'proper' quilting ruler- so ya!
Thanks so much for the votes, they really did count, I only scrapped in by 1 vote!