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Sunday, 8 July 2012

I'm Having ago, Beginner's Quilt -Along

Beginner's Quilt-Along
I saw a link from Craft Gossip about This beginner's quilt-along at the other day. 
It's a step by step block process that is worked on each week till September and hopefully at the end you have a finished quilt. 
The quilt-along has already started and is up to week 5 ,
but anyone can still hav ago and start it at anytime. 
My family and I went to Dunkleys craft show in Hamilton today,
there was a quilting stall, I brought some fabrics- so I guess I'm having a go at my first quilt!
I purchased the fabric from Cushlas Village Fabrics, they have stores in Waihi,  Auckland and online(
The ladies were very helpful while I was selecting some fat quarters and my son had some input as well.

Once home I had to have a go, I've done the first of the 12 blocks, the 1st is
"Play a game of Hopscotch",
a very simple block to begin with,  the blocks gradually get  more complicated
as the quilt progresses.
I'll take alook at the 2nd block tomorrow, and if I catch up to the Quilt-along/challenge I can enter for the prizes.   


  1. I like the combination of fabrics in the finished block. I've just finished my first quilt and am so pleased I decided to make one. Have fun making yours...

  2. Thanks pam, I'm really enjoying enjoying it so far, but I'm sure there will be some challengeing bits ahead.
